Source code for seabreeze.pyseabreeze.api

"""This is the pyusb implementation of the seabreeze library

Author: Andreas Poehlmann

most of this code is based on implementations from

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import weakref
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.devices import SeaBreezeDevice
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.devices import _model_class_registry
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.transport import DeviceIdentity
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.transport import USBTransport
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.transport import USBTransportDeviceInUse
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.transport import USBTransportError
from seabreeze.pyseabreeze.transport import USBTransportHandle
from seabreeze.types import SeaBreezeAPI as _SeaBreezeAPIProtocol

    from seabreeze.types import SeaBreezeDevice as _SeaBreezeDevice

__all__ = ["SeaBreezeAPI"]

# create only one SeaBreezeDevice instance per handle
_seabreeze_device_instance_registry: weakref.WeakValueDictionary[
    DeviceIdentity, SeaBreezeDevice
] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

def _seabreeze_device_factory(device: USBTransportHandle) -> SeaBreezeDevice:
    """return existing instances instead of creating temporary ones

    device : USBTransportHandle

    dev : SeaBreezeDevice
    global _seabreeze_device_instance_registry
    if not isinstance(device, USBTransportHandle):
        raise TypeError("needs to be instance of USBTransportHandle")
    ident = device.identity
        return _seabreeze_device_instance_registry[ident]
    except KeyError:
        dev = _seabreeze_device_instance_registry[ident] = SeaBreezeDevice(device)
        return dev

[docs]class SeaBreezeAPI(_SeaBreezeAPIProtocol): """SeaBreeze API interface""" _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, initialize: bool = True, **_kwargs: Any) -> None: self._kwargs = _kwargs # allow passing additional kwargs to transports if initialize: self.initialize()
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: """initialize the api backend normally this function does not have to be called directly by the user. it resets all usb devices on load """ USBTransport.initialize(**self._kwargs)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """shutdown the api backend normally this function does not have to be called directly by the user """ # dispose usb resources _seabreeze_device_instance_registry.clear() USBTransport.shutdown(**self._kwargs)
[docs] def add_rs232_device_location( self, device_type: str, bus_path: str, baudrate: int ) -> None: """add RS232 device location""" # RS232Transport.register_device(device_type, bus_path, baudrate) raise NotImplementedError("rs232 communication not implemented for pyseabreeze")
[docs] def add_ipv4_device_location( self, device_type: str, ip_address: str, port: int ) -> None: """add ipv4 device location""" # IPV4Transport.register_device(device_type, ip_address, port) raise NotImplementedError("ipv4 communication not implemented for pyseabreeze")
[docs] def list_devices(self) -> list[_SeaBreezeDevice]: """returns available SeaBreezeDevices list all connected Ocean Optics devices supported by libseabreeze. Returns ------- devices: connected Spectrometer instances """ # get all matching devices devices: list[_SeaBreezeDevice] = [] for usb_dev in USBTransport.list_devices(**self._kwargs): # get the correct communication interface dev = _seabreeze_device_factory(usb_dev) if not dev.is_open: # opening the device will populate its serial number try: except USBTransportDeviceInUse: # device used by another thread? -> exclude continue except USBTransportError: # todo: investigate if there are ways to recover from here raise else: dev.close() devices.append(dev) # type: ignore return devices
# note: to be fully consistent with cseabreeze this shouldn't be a staticmethod @staticmethod def supported_models() -> list[str]: """returns SeaBreezeDevices supported by the backend models supported by the backend Returns ------- devices: list of str list of model names that are supported by this backend """ return [ x for x in sorted(_model_class_registry.keys()) if not x.startswith("_") ]