Installing seabreeze

Installing via pip

# install only cseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze
# install both cseabreeze and pyseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze[pyseabreeze]
# install only pyseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze[pyseabreeze] --no-use-pep517 --no-build-isolation --install-option="--without-cseabreeze"

Installing via conda

# install via conda
conda install -c conda-forge seabreeze


seabreeze is now on conda-forge. The poehlmann channel will still be available for a while, but slowly phased out.


  • Before version 1 conda packages for seabreeze were named python-seabreeze. This has now changed to be consistent with the pypi package naming.

  • It’s recommended to install the conda-forge package when in a conda environment, instead of installing via pip.

Building seabreeze manually

If you want to build python-seabreeze manually you have to install some build dependencies.

Step (1) - Linux

Linux requires a compiler and libusb development headers:

# run the appropriate command for your distribution flavor

# if your distro is a deb flavor (ubuntu, etc...)
sudo apt-get install git-all build-essential libusb-dev

# if your distro is a rpm flavor
sudo yum install git-all gcc gcc-c++ make libusb-devel

# if your distro is a arch flavor
sudo pacman -S base-devel libusb libusb-compat libusb-devel make gcc

Step (1) - OSX

OSX should already have everything installed. It’s possible that you have to install the latest XCode though.

Step (1) - Windows

Windows needs a build environment and the Windows Driver Kit. The following instructions are for builing python-seabreeze for python 3.5 and above. It uses chocolatey to install everything needed:

REM assuming you already have chocolatey installed
choco install visualcpp-build-tools
choco install windows-sdk-10.1
choco install windowsdriverkit10

Step (2) - prepare pip

Now we can install the things required for installing via pip. For that we should make sure that the latest pip version is installed. So with the python interpreter of your choice in your path do:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Step (3) - clone and install

Finally we can clone and install python-seabreeze:

git clone python-seabreeze
cd python-seabreeze
python -m pip install .

This should install seabreeze in your python environment.

Operating System dependent setup

Additional installation steps required by the specific operating system should be done by running the script provided by python-seabreeze. After installing via pip or conda or manually, run:


For some additional information see os_support/

Installing on a Raspberry Pi

Rasperry Pi wheels are automagically provided by the wonderful piwheels package repository. Follow the instructions here on how to add piwheels as an extra index to pip and then you should be able to install via:

pip3 install seabreeze