Source code for seabreeze.spectrometers

seabreeze.spectrometers core module

Author: Andreas Poehlmann

import numpy

import seabreeze.backends
from seabreeze.compat import DeprecatedSpectrometerMixin as _DeprecatedSpectrometerMixin

# get the backend and add some functions/classes to this module
_lib = seabreeze.backends.get_backend()

SeaBreezeError = _lib.SeaBreezeError
SeaBreezeDevice = _lib.SeaBreezeDevice
SeaBreezeFeature = _lib.SeaBreezeFeature

[docs]def list_devices(): """returns available SeaBreezeDevices list all connected Ocean Optics devices supported Returns ------- devices: `list[SeaBreezeDevice]` connected Spectrometer instances """ if not hasattr(list_devices, '_api'): list_devices._api = _lib.SeaBreezeAPI() # noinspection PyProtectedMember return list_devices._api.list_devices()
[docs]class Spectrometer(_DeprecatedSpectrometerMixin): """Spectrometer class for all supported spectrometers""" _backend = _lib # store reference to backend to allow backend switching in tests
[docs] def __init__(self, device): """create a Spectrometer instance for the provided device The Spectrometer class provides a thin abstraction layer for the basic spectrometer feature of the provided SeaBreezeDevice. Parameters ---------- device : `seabreeze.spectrometers.SeaBreezeDevice` a SeaBreezeDevice as returned from `list_devices` """ if not isinstance(device, self._backend.SeaBreezeDevice): raise TypeError("device has to be a `SeaBreezeDevice`") self._dev = device # always open the device here to allow caching values # check for nonlinearity correction support nc_feature = self._dev.f.nonlinearity_coefficients self._nc = None if nc_feature is not None: try: # NOTE: the spark spectrometer raises a transport error when trying # to receive the nc coefficients. In this case continue with disabled # nonlinearity correction support self._nc = nc_feature.get_nonlinearity_coefficients() except self._backend.SeaBreezeError: pass # check for dark pixel correction support self._dp = self._dev.f.spectrometer.get_electric_dark_pixel_indices() # cache wavelengths on open self._wavelengths = self._dev.f.spectrometer.get_wavelengths()
[docs] @classmethod def from_first_available(cls): """open first available spectrometer Returns ------- spectrometer : `Spectrometer` the first available supported spectrometer """ for dev in list_devices(): if not dev.is_open: return cls(dev) else: raise cls._backend.SeaBreezeError("No unopened device found.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_serial_number(cls, serial=None): """open the spectrometer matching the provided serial number Allows to open a specific spectrometer if multiple are connected. Spectrometer serial numbers are visible in the repr string of each `SeaBreezeDevice` or their `serial_number` attribute. Parameters ---------- serial : `str`, optional the spectrometer's serial number. If `None` (default) it returns the first available unopened spectrometer. Returns ------- spectrometer : `Spectrometer` the spectrometer with the requested serial number """ if serial is None: # pick first spectrometer return cls.from_first_available() for dev in list_devices(): if dev.serial_number == str(serial): if dev.is_open: raise cls._backend.SeaBreezeError("Device already opened.") else: return cls(dev) else: raise cls._backend.SeaBreezeError("No device attached with serial number '%s'." % serial)
[docs] def wavelengths(self): """wavelength array of the spectrometer wavelengths in (nm) corresponding to each pixel of the spectrometer Returns ------- wavelengths : `numpy.ndarray` wavelengths in (nm) """ return self._wavelengths
[docs] def intensities(self, correct_dark_counts=False, correct_nonlinearity=False): """measured intensity array in (a.u.) Measured intensities as numpy array returned by the spectrometer. The measuring behavior can be adjusted by setting the trigger mode. Pixels at the start and end of the array might not be optically active so interpret their returned measurements with care. Refer to the spectrometer's datasheet for further information. Notes ----- Intensities are in arbitrary units and the range depends on the ADC bit resolution of the hardware used in the specific spectrometer. Some spectrometers store a `saturation` value in their eeprom, which is used to rescale the raw ADC output to the full bit range. (This is done in `libseabreeze` and therefore also in `cseabreeze` --- for compatibility reasons the same is done in `pyseabreeze`) I.e. this means that a 16bit (max value 65535) spectrometer with a saturation value of ~30000 is effectively only returning ~15bit resolution raw readings. While most of the lower bits are dominated by noise anyways, it's just something to keep in mind. Refer to `pyseabreeze.features.spectrometer._SeaBreezeSpectrometerSaturationMixin` for the implementation. Parameters ---------- correct_dark_counts : `bool` If requested and supported the average value of electric dark pixels on the ccd of the spectrometer is subtracted from the measurements to remove the noise floor in the measurements caused by non optical noise sources. correct_nonlinearity : `bool` Some spectrometers store non linearity correction coefficients in their eeprom. If requested and supported by the spectrometer the readings returned by the spectrometer will be linearized using the stored coefficients. Returns ------- intensities : `numpy.ndarray` measured intensities in (a.u.) """ if correct_dark_counts and not self._dp: raise self._backend.SeaBreezeError("This device does not support dark count correction.") if correct_nonlinearity and not self._nc: raise self._backend.SeaBreezeError("This device does not support nonlinearity correction.") # Get the intensities out = self._dev.f.spectrometer.get_intensities() # Do corrections if requested if correct_nonlinearity or correct_dark_counts: dark_offset = numpy.mean(out[self._dp]) if self._dp else 0. out -= dark_offset if correct_nonlinearity: out = out / numpy.polyval(self._nc, out) if correct_nonlinearity and (not correct_dark_counts): # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable out += dark_offset return out
@property def max_intensity(self): """return the maximum intensity of the spectrometer Returns ------- max_intensity : `float` the maximum intensity that can be returned by the spectrometer in (a.u.) It's possible that the spectrometer saturates already at lower values. """ return self._dev.f.spectrometer.get_maximum_intensity()
[docs] def spectrum(self, correct_dark_counts=False, correct_nonlinearity=False): """returns wavelengths and intensities as single array Convenience method to allow: >>> spec = Spectrometer.from_first_available() >>> wavelengths, intensities = spec.spectrum() Parameters ---------- correct_dark_counts : `bool` see `Spectrometer.intensities` correct_nonlinearity : `bool` see `Spectrometer.intensities` Returns ------- spectrum : `numpy.ndarray` combined array of wavelengths and measured intensities """ return numpy.vstack((self._wavelengths, self.intensities(correct_dark_counts, correct_nonlinearity)))
[docs] def integration_time_micros(self, integration_time_micros): """set the integration time in microseconds Parameters ---------- integration_time_micros : `int` integration time in microseconds """ # NOTE: Protect against a bug in libseabreeze: # If integration time is out of bounds, libseabreeze returns Undefined Error # (Probably only for devices with a non micro second time base...) try: self._dev.f.spectrometer.set_integration_time_micros(integration_time_micros) except OverflowError: raise self._backend.SeaBreezeError("[OverFlow] Specified integration time is out of range.") except self._backend.SeaBreezeError as e: if getattr(e, 'error_code', None) == 1: # Only replace if 'Undefined Error' raise self._backend.SeaBreezeError("[Fix] Specified integration time is out of range.") else: raise e
@property def integration_time_micros_limits(self): """return the hardcoded minimum and maximum integration time Returns ------- integration_time_micros_min_max : `tuple[int, int]` min and max integration time in micro seconds """ return self._dev.f.spectrometer.get_integration_time_micros_limits()
[docs] def trigger_mode(self, mode): """set the trigger mode of the device Parameters ---------- mode : `int` refer to your spectrometer's datasheet to determine the correct value for the trigger mode you want to use. """ self._dev.f.spectrometer.set_trigger_mode(mode)
@property def serial_number(self): """the spectrometer's serial number""" return self._dev.serial_number @property def model(self): """the spectrometer's model type""" return self._dev.model @property def pixels(self): """the spectrometer's number of pixels""" # noinspection PyProtectedMember return self._dev.f.spectrometer._spectrum_length @property def features(self): """return a dictionary of all supported features this returns a dictionary with all supported Features of the spectrometer and gives direct access to the features provided by the backend interface. Returns ------- features : `dict` [`str`, `seabreeze.SeaBreezeFeature`] """ return self._dev.features @property def f(self): """convenience assess to features via attributes this allows you to access a feature like this:: >>> spec = Spectrometer.from_first_available() >>> # via .features >>> spec.features['eeprom'][0].eeprom_read_slot(4) >>> # via .f >>> spec.f.eeprom.eeprom_read_slot(4) """ return self._dev.f
[docs] def open(self): """open the connection to the SeaBreezeDevice Notes ----- Normally you do not have to call this function manually. If you're trying to use the same spectrometer from multiple processes (honestly, why would you?) then this might come in handy. But I'll leave the lock/semaphore handling to you. """
[docs] def close(self): """close the connection to the SeaBreezeDevice Notes ----- Normally you do not have to call this function manually. If you're trying to use the same spectrometer from multiple processes (honestly, why would you?) then this might come in handy. But I'll leave the lock/semaphore handling to you. """ self._dev.close()
def __repr__(self): return "<Spectrometer %s:%s>" % (self.model, self.serial_number)