Installing python-seabreeze

Install via pip


Not working yet. Need publish new wheels for seabreeze on pypi first.

# install only cseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze
# install both cseabreeze and pyseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze[pyseabreeze]
# install only pyseabreeze backend
pip install seabreeze[pyseabreeze] --no-build-isolation --install-option="--without-cseabreeze"

Install via conda


Not working yet. Need to add conda-forge or continue to build own packages (maybe via travis too?)

Operating System dependent setup

Additional installation steps required by the specific operating system should be done by running the script provided by python-seabreeze. After installing via pip, run:

$ seabreeze_os_setup

For some additional information see os_support/